How can I invite people to view my files?

If you'd like to invite people to view your personal files, you have a couple of options: 1. Learn how to **share a proof via email**. 2. Learn how to **create a public link**.

How can I track my storage usage?

Your storage usage is located directly below the ProvenDocs navigation bar. You can track this at all times. Note: Users with free accounts have **1GB** of storage.

Can I invite my friends to use ProvenDocs?

To invite a friend to ProvenDocs, click on the **Invite a Friend** button located in the bottom left corner of the application. For every friend you refer, you'll receive **500MB** of extra storage (**limited to 2.5GB**).

How can I delete my document?

You cannot delete a document, however you can **Forget** a document**.**This action will not invalidate or delete your Blockchain proof, however the document will not longer be stored on our servers. To forget a document: 1. Click the **Documents** tab located in the top left panel. 2. Click the a **Cross** button located below the document you'd like to forget. 3. Click the **Download Archive** button in the pop-up window **(optional)**. 4. Click the **Forget** button in the pop-up window. Note: Forgetting a document progress is permanent.

How can I view my document history?

To view the history of a document: 1. Click the **Documents** tab located in the top left panel. 2. Click the **Clock** button located below your document thumbnail.

Not receiving the password reset email?

If you didn’t receive the reset email: - Check the spam folder of your inbox - If the reset email isn't there, try adding: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) as a contact to your address book, and then resending the password reset email - If that still doesn’t work, you can contact support: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])