Why can't I preview my document or file?

Unfortunately at this time, some file formats don't have preview support.

How long does a document proof take to finish proving?

The timeframe for a document proof can vary depending on file size, and internet speed. We recommend checking back to your proof at a later time to save you the wait.

How can I delete my document?

You cannot delete a document, however you can **Forget** a document**.**This action will not invalidate or delete your Blockchain proof, however the document will not longer be stored on our servers. To forget a document: 1. Click the **Documents** tab located in the top left panel. 2. Click the a **Cross** button located below the document you'd like to forget. 3. Click the **Download Archive** button in the pop-up window **(optional)**. 4. Click the **Forget** button in the pop-up window. Note: Forgetting a document progress is permanent.

How can I invite people to view my files?

If you'd like to invite people to view your personal files, you have a couple of options: 1. Learn how to **share a proof via email**. 2. Learn how to **create a public link**.

How can I view my document upload comments?

To view a comment linked to your document upload: 1. Click the **Documents** tab located in the top left panel. 2. Click the **Comment** button located below your document thumbnail.

How can I view my document history?

To view the history of a document: 1. Click the **Documents** tab located in the top left panel. 2. Click the **Clock** button located below your document thumbnail.

How can I create a public link of my document proof?

To create a public link of your document proof: 1. Click the **Share** button located in the top right panel. 2. Click the **Download** button in the pop-up window.

How can I download a copy of my document proof?

To download a copy of your document: 1. Click the **Download** button in the top right panel. 2. Click the **Download** button in the pop-up window.

How do I email an archive of my document proof?

To email an archive of your document proof: 1. Click the **Email** button located in the top right panel. 2. Type in your desired email address. 3. Click **Send.** Note: you can only share a ProvenDocs proof archive once a document proof is complete. Anyone with access to the email archive must create an account or login for access.

How do I download an archive of my document proof?

To download an archive of your document proof: 1. Click the **Archive Folder** button located in the top right panel. 2. Click the **Download** button in the pop-up window. Note: you can only download a ProvenDocs proof archive once a document proof is complete.